Friday, February 7, 2014

Three Words

To describe my ideal project team in three words, I would say:

Excited, Dedicated, and Punctual

I chose these words because these are the characteristics I believe will facilitate the best experience for the group as well as the best final product.

Excited--I believe that a group that is excited about their work will inspire each other to be better group members and make the process less tedious and more enjoyable.

Dedicated--My ideal group is willing to work hard even when the project becomes difficult. A group dedicated to their work will be willing to add that extra effort to produce a high quality product.

Punctual--With such a narrow window of time to perform in, punctuality will be a high value commodity. Planning without punctuality of deliverables would be impossible, and as such punctuality deserves a place high on the list.

If I could include three more words I would include Personable, Proud, and Talented.
Person to person interaction skills are important in any kind of group setting as well as in a developer client situation. People who are proud of their work generally produce better work, as well as are better at selling it. Software Engineering seems like a difficult occupation, and as such I believe the best engineers will also possess some amount of talent.

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