Friday, February 14, 2014

Ranking Conundrum

We are about to rank the proposals so that we can be placed into groups. This is really exciting because after listening to all of the proposals the last three days there are a number of projects that I find extremely interesting! It will be a difficult ranking process, especially where I will rank my own project which for whatever reason has lost some of its luster.

I am torn here. On one hand I think I will perform better this semester if I am working on a project that I find very interesting. I will find it more natural to remain engaged in the face of this, the most difficult and busy semester of my educational career. On the other hand, if I rank my project first--ahead of some projects that, embarrassingly, interest me more--and it is chosen, then I will be ahead of the curve on the "impact" portion of my grade, a concept which looms as an incorporeal boogie-man in the bedroom closet that is my uncountable fears regarding my last semester as an undergraduate.

I have tough decisions ahead.

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