Saturday, March 22, 2014

Group Dynamics Part II

I thought it may be a good time to update my thoughts on how the dynamics of working in a group are going for me.

In one word--difficult. It is proving to be much more difficult than I anticipated. I don't believe this is due to any failing in the group members, in fact I believe our group is exceptional and well balanced. No, I believe it is due to the fact that I just have never before been involved in a group project of this magnitude and the difficulties have taken me by surprise.

I have come to realize that communication is incredibly important. I knew this was true in theory before, but in practice it is being emphatically proven. Having worked primarily on my own, I am used to allowing ideas and models to undergo slight changes in my head and being able to maintain consistency in the logical operation and interaction of these models. This is proving to not be the case in group work (unsurprisingly). If I change how I envision a piece of the project working and don't communicate the change, however small, to the group it turns out I have a bad time (again...unsurprisingly). This is also true if I'm not explicit or entirely clear with my ideas.

This is why communication is going to be a focus for improvement for me over the coming weeks.

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