Friday, January 24, 2014

Software Engineering, Initial Thoughts

As I read the software engineering wikipedia entry, I couldn't help but follow two thought processes which were--for me--novel. The first, is how different the two concepts of software engineering and computer science, as I've experienced it, are.

In my education process at UNM I've certainly been exposed to both, and it does seem that the concepts behind software engineering are being included as a subset of the computer science curriculum. But I've always had this nagging feeling that I was being taught the content of two related but distinct professions, software engineering and computer science.

The wiki at first glance confirms this concept, and tells me I'm not alone in my impression. It does seem that the software engineering degree itself, already offered at some places, is gaining traction in academia and in industry. This is evidenced by the stance of the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) which holds the two distinct and has reflected the view in the construction and implementation of their licensing process.

I believe this is a consequence of the rapid and organic growth of the computer science field. Furthermore, I believe that we will see more relaxation and re-categorization of computer science subfields as time goes on. Computer science is a broad discipline which spans relationships with many other fields. We, as professionals and academics, will take some time to sort it out into natural and meaningful categories.

Personally, I find the fact that I am going to be involved in this process very exciting.

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