Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Backpacker" Project Timeline

Week 1:
Client meetings
Discuss and decide on design characteristics
Discuss and decide on platform (Android vs. iOS)
Install and get familiarized with development tools (Xcode/Eclipse)

Week 2:
Client meetings
Create "Hello World" app
Research feasibility of feature set (e.g. will iPhone allow an app to send a text message?)
Discuss feature set with sample of target user group
Construct app "Story board" (page layouts, user experience)

Week 3:
Client meetings
Divide features up among group members (perhaps work in pairs)
Begin feature development/documentation

Week 4:
Client meetings

Week 5:
Client meetings
Finish development
Combine features into working prototype

Week 6:
Client meetings
Group tests app, develops bug list and notes on app refinement

Week 7:
Client meetings
Discuss findings of first prototype testing
Decide on changes
Begin changes

Week 8:
Client meetings
Finalize and aggregate changes into second prototype

Week 9:
Client meetings
Group tests second prototype, develops bug list and notes on app refinement

Week 10:
Client meetings
Discuss findings of second prototype testing
Decide on changes
Begin changes
Begin marketing process (forum posts, blog posts, Reddit posts)

Week 11:
Client meetings
Finalize and aggregate changes into final app version
Short final test

Week 12:
Client meetings
Package and release final app version
Final marketing push

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Backpacking Mobile Application Proposal

People who embark on multi-day backpacking trips experience the wilderness in a different way than any other type of adventurer.  Frequently many days from the nearest signs of civilization the isolation is second to none in this activity.  Additionally, often every supply and resource needed for the duration of the trip is brought in from the start making the activity one that is both strenuous, dangerous, and requires careful planning.  I believe that some of these needs can be targeted by a carefully and specifically designed mobile application.

Our team will design and create a professional backpacking assistance application that meets the specific needs of backpackers through the implementation of a couple of novel features.  The application will provide a GPS based log of the backpacking trip, while accounting for the battery life requirements of multiple day use without the ability to recharge.  Additionally, the program will provide a planning tool in the form of a gear inventory checklist including consumption rate tracking for both water and food.  Another novel feature that will be implemented is an emergency notification scheme, which will send an emergency text message with specific details (like GPS location) the next time the phone has cellular service.

Mobile phone users who backpack will find this application very useful due to the specific targeting of their needs.  We propose to sell the application at market competitive prices.  Please consider helping with the initial costs associated with the development of this novel application

Friday, January 24, 2014

Software Engineering, Initial Thoughts

As I read the software engineering wikipedia entry, I couldn't help but follow two thought processes which were--for me--novel. The first, is how different the two concepts of software engineering and computer science, as I've experienced it, are.

In my education process at UNM I've certainly been exposed to both, and it does seem that the concepts behind software engineering are being included as a subset of the computer science curriculum. But I've always had this nagging feeling that I was being taught the content of two related but distinct professions, software engineering and computer science.

The wiki at first glance confirms this concept, and tells me I'm not alone in my impression. It does seem that the software engineering degree itself, already offered at some places, is gaining traction in academia and in industry. This is evidenced by the stance of the Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO) which holds the two distinct and has reflected the view in the construction and implementation of their licensing process.

I believe this is a consequence of the rapid and organic growth of the computer science field. Furthermore, I believe that we will see more relaxation and re-categorization of computer science subfields as time goes on. Computer science is a broad discipline which spans relationships with many other fields. We, as professionals and academics, will take some time to sort it out into natural and meaningful categories.

Personally, I find the fact that I am going to be involved in this process very exciting.